Dragon Boating - More than a sport, a Tradition


週二, 19 八月 2014 09:37

Vulcain “Dynamic Moment” photo competition


早前舉辦的「Vulcain動感一刻」攝影比賽已經完滿結束。得獎名單如下:季軍 -凌浩珍女士;亞軍 - 孫愛平女士,冠軍 - 廖志斌先生。冠軍的獎品是Vulcain 皇凱錶Nautical Seventies響鬧潛水錶一隻。8月14日下午,由3位評審頒發獎品及獎狀予各得獎者,場面非常熱鬧。


An award presentation ceremony of Vulcain “Dynamic Moment” photo competition was taken place on 14 Aug. Second-Runner-Up: Ms. Jenny Ling, First-Runner-Up: Ms. Rosa Suen and the Champion: Mr Liu Chi-pang, Kevin.


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