Dragon Boating - More than a sport, a Tradition



該木龍舟由台江縣施洞鎮張先文(國家級非物質文化遺產名錄苗族獨木龍舟傳承人)領銜打造,龍頭和龍尾均為水樺香(樹種)雕琢而成,龍身樹為杉木,全長為77.8米,共使用長15米,直徑30公分的杉木188根,這些杉木均產於劍河縣南明鎮南明村。木龍舟全長77.8米,寬2.5米;撓片160支,可承載漿手160人,舵手、鼓手、鑼手和火銃手共20人, 總計180人,施秉縣擬將為“中華苗族第一龍”申報吉尼斯世界紀錄。

VIDEO : YouTube

World's Longest Wooden Dragon Boat

A total of 1,600 strong men have carried a 77.8-meter-long wooden dragon boat to a river on Saturday in Shibing County of southwest China's Guizhou Province. The dragon boat has applied to set a new Guinness World Record as the longest wooden dragon boat. The application has received preliminary confirmation from the organization. 



SOURCE: CRI English.com

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