Dragon Boating - More than a sport, a Tradition


Mr Claudio Schermi, President-elect of the International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF)


At the 19th Ordinary Congress of the IDBF held on 14 August 2023, Claudio Schermi (ITA) was elected IDBF President.


Source: IDBF



1.      Typhoons Dragon Boat Club

2.      BGC Stormy Dragons

3.      港島西區消防龍舟隊

4.      柴灣區街坊福利會萬匯尖峰龍

5.      健兒體育會

6.      騰龍

7.     香港消防處龍舟隊

8.     Lamma Dragons Dragon Boat Club

9.    Hong Kong University



The Selection Criteria, Enrollment Procedure and Entry Requirement “10th IDBF Club Crew World Championships” is ready for download, please refer to the attachment for details.

週三, 19 九月 2012 15:51


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