「河涌巡禮Go!」River Parade Go @TaiO
「大澳Let’s Go! 大澳文化節2021」“Tai O Let’s Go!” Tai O Cultural Festival 2021
今年聖誕繼續留港度過,一於探索本地文化深度遊。由香港青年協會主辦,伙拍大澳文化協會,並獲香港旅遊發展局「本地特色旅遊活動先導計劃」支持的「大澳Let’s Go! 大澳文化節2021」,將於12月24至27日隆重舉行。五大特色項目由青年角度出發,探索傳統漁村食、住、行及傳統節慶文化,並注入活力及創意,展現嶄新面貌。所有活動費用全免,歡迎公眾參與。
A Christmas Staycation in Hong Kong this year offers you the unprecedented opportunity to dive deeper into local culture. Supported by “The Pilot Scheme for Characteristic Local Tourism Events” of The Hong Kong Tourism Board, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG), in co-partnering with the Tai O Cultural Association, will officially launch “Tai O Let’s Go!” Tai O Cultural Festival 2021.
“River Parade Go!” on December 26, where more than 200 locals, members from Tai O Rural Committee and other organisations will together demonstrate what makes Tai O special. Led by ten Dragon Boats, the procession will include Lunar New Year lion heads, Mid-Autumn festival lanterns, Chinese opera ornaments and resounding gongs, all along the waterway.
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SOURCE: 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG)