Dragon Boating - More than a sport, a Tradition


2021 大埔區龍舟競賽 - 延期舉行

2021 大埔區龍舟競賽- 延期舉行

Tai Po District Dragon Boat Race - Postponed Announcement




由於新冠肺痰疫情尚未明朗,賽會決定將 2021年度大埔區龍舟競賽延期至

Due to the uncertainty of the epidemic, it has been decided that the Tai Po District Dragon Boat Race will be postponed till 17th October, 2021.

大埔區龍舟競賽委員會 Tai Po District Dragon Boat Race Committee


Source: 大埔體育會

您目前位置:比賽 香港 2021 大埔區龍舟競賽 - 延期舉行